"Don't be all shadow and no substance"

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I've decided to revamp my page. Make it cleaner, whiter, new. Like my attitude towards my life. I've decided to make some changes to my life. For me, no one else. These are somewhat my new years resolutions, but I don't like calling them that as I seem to have some type of stupid lazy mental block when it comes to new years resolutions. Within minutes of someone asking me if I've made any new years resolutions and me telling them, I'll have the cigarette in my mouth with a lighter lighting it. So I'm not calling them new years resolutions, I shall name them revamps. Has more of a ring to it anyways.

1) Quit smoking - already been doing it before Christmas so I'm going to try and keep it up.

2) Continue to lose the spare tyre - I SHALL BE ABLE TO FIT INTO A SIZE 10... EVENTUALLY!! Salads are now my new friends... Whooooooooooooooooo...

3) Be more selfish - this is a hard one to justify to other people but it makes perfect sense to me. You see, I have spent the majority of my life going along with other peoples plans, not really throwing in my input, and never saying what I really want to because I'm afraid of what people might think. But now I think it is about time that I listened to the little fat stubborn girl who stomps her foot hard on the ground inside of my head and take heed to her advice. I shall suit myself a lot more, go to clubs that play my kind of music instead of that vile "UNZ UNZ UNZ UNZ UNZ UNZ" music that makes my brain feel like it is slowly being pushed out from behind my eyes, and I shall wear what I always want to wear, not what people think I should.

4) Make my own clothes - I love love love customizing my old t-shirts. I love that feeling when you buy a large rock t-shirt and start with the slicing, cutting, tearing, & stitching. I regularly go into shops that sell these flimsy little excuses for tops for insane prices and I say to myself that anyone can do that with such ease. I have a few ideas that I want to put into play that won't take much effort, just some time and a sewing machine. I'd love to enroll myself into a class that can help you to learn how to sew properly or something so I can finesse it all.

I would like to see if in a years time if I have achieved any  of these little revamps, and which ones I have not succeeded with. Hopefully I'll have completed 4/4 and be a better version of myself. If not, then roll on 2011!

Hope you're all having a nice, freezing cold Thursday.
Living In Wonderland xo


  1. I enjoy ur writing style! I'm Irish on my mother's side but I live here in LA among the stars. Keep writing!

  2. Wow, thank you so much I don't think I've ever gotten such a nice comment like this before, thanks a million it means a lot to me!


Leave a message and tell me what you think... All comments are welcome (although I hope they are mainly positive!)and thank you for leaving your thoughts with me, I appreciate the time you took to write something :)