Have you ever been so uninspired by things in life that you just float? I have really really been feeling that recently. Kind of like how fashion is at the moment. There's a lot of repetitiveness going on during some of the fashion shows this year. People seriously need to shake it up a bit. Alexander McQueen knew what I was talking about. But it seems like some of the people who are at the forfront of fashion ie. Karl Lagerfeld, have just been reproducing the same sort of monochromatic crap for the past decade. Don't get me wrong, I love Chanel like any other person, but ever since I can remember it has just been a bit of the quilted, black and white looks that have been floating around Chanel. Come on Karl, we know you're better than this, stop living for the name that is Chanel and show us what you're truely doing representing the name that is the icon!
But do you ever remember the days when you would dress for yourself, and no one else? I'm talking about when we were about the ages from 3-7, when fashion wasn't in our vocabulary, and if we saw something that we thought looked nice and wanted to wear it, then god damn straight we were going to wear it. I'll always remember wearing a L.A raiders t-shirt (which I still have because I can't bare to get rid of it), tucked into a floral skirt, white tights, and Docs. I had grass stains on my kness to add effect and my curly hair was down my back. Like I looked the absolute shizz. Think back to when you were a child and ressed like spiderman or whatever; do you dress for yourself anymore? Or do you look at all the fashion magazines and change your style accordingly? I'm in no way bashing people who take inspiration from magazines, sure we all do. But I'm just always worried that people tend to lose a sense of themselves when they grow up. We need to retain that bit of immature, selfish, childish behaviour that let us dress the way we wanted to and God help anyone that stopped us from doing so.
But don't just take my word for it, what are your thoughts?
I'm off to frollick in my back garden in my fairy wings ;)
Happy glorious Saturday friends
Living In Wonderland xo